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Hints, Tips and Tales #3 – Leveraging Existing Clients for UK Trademark Registration

existing clients

The Story

We often apply our best processes and energies to acquiring new business, even though we know it costs a third of the price, if not less, to market to an existing client compared to attracting a new one. It’s bonkers.

As you probably already know, we have been around since 2009 and have registered thousands of UK trademarks. What you may not know is that trademarks only last for 10 years. Every month, we have clients eligible for renewal the following month, so we reach out to them about their UK Trademark Registration. What shocks us is that a lot of our competitors don’t!

So, What Are the Hints and Tips for This Tale?

Hint – Don’t Overlook Existing Clients

Marketing UK Trademark services to our existing clients has proven to be a significantly better use of our time, far more so than targeting new ones.

What’s more, we talk to our clients about their wants and needs and this has led to us supporting all of our clients with referrals, and the benefit of the quality service our clients receive as a result is that they have no hesitation in recommending us whenever somebody they know needs trademark help or guidance.

Tip – Prioritise reaching out to your existing clients as part of your marketing strategy from day 1.

Even if they don’t have a recurring need such as trademark renewals. Consistent communication will always strengthen your client relationships and ensures ongoing business.

Plus, ultimately, it’s your client base who will likely be one of your most valuable commodities in the event you want to sell your business, so maximise the value.

To learn more about how to keep momentum in your business why not drop your queries to enquires@thetrademarkhelpline.com with the title ‘Diminishing Returns’

Picture of Jonathan Paton

Jonathan Paton


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