UK Trademark Registration
Register your UK Trademark today with our fast and reliable service
Is UK Trademark Registration right for you?
If your business operates only in the United Kingdom and you don’t plan to expand outside the country, UK trademark registration is the quickest and cheapest way to ensure legal exclusivity for the use of your name.
Start protecting your brand with a free trademark search:
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for a free consultation with one of our trademark advisors
Benefits of UK Trademark Registration
Give your UK brand the protection it needs for significantly lower investment than its EU counterpart.
Deter trademark trawlers.
Prevent other individuals or businesses from passing off or trying to trade on your good will.
Give you the right to use your mark on the goods and services in the classes for which it is registered.
Strengthen your business’s brand.
Give you the legal right to take action against anyone who uses your mark or a similar variant, for similar goods and services to those which are set out in your registration
What our customers think
I cannot recommend The Trademark Helpline highly enough. From the very beginning, the process of registering my trademark with them was smooth and stress-free. Their expertise and communication were excellent – they kept me informed every step of the way and were always happy to answer any questions I had. A special thanks to Alex for his fantastic work in securing my trademark. His professionalism and attention to detail were truly impressive. Thanks to The Trademark Helpline, I now have the peace of mind that my brand is protected. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone needing assistance with trademarks. Best wishes, Isabel
“Thank you so much to everyone at The Trademark Helpline, you have all been terrific! I have received a very thorough and professional service and Richard even assisted me with the design and branding of my company, he really went the extra mile. So thank you all very, very much!”
“The service levels of The Trademark Helpline have massively exceeded my expectations. I have been very impressed and I would have no hesitation in recommending The Trademark Helpline.”
“The Trademark Helpline provided us with a thorough and professional service when we registered our trademark. Shortly afterwards they notified us of a potential infringement on our mark via the monitoring service. The speed and professionalism with which Ric successfully resolved the issue on our behalf was impressive and this work was dealt with promptly at a very affordable cost!