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Benefits of Trademark Registration
Registering a Trademark will:
- Strengthen your brand and provide a solid foundation to build your companies reputation.
- Secure your right to exclusive ownership and use of your mark in its registered classes.
- Protect your brand from other individuals or businesses infringing on your trademark and looking to benefit from your good reputation.
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What if the name I want is taken?
We can still help. Give us a call on 0161 833 5400 or get it touch using the form on the right.
What our Customer Think
“I can’t thank the Trademark Helpline enough because it is not easy to do and can’t of imagined trying to tackle it on my own. Your input was so useful and much appreciated with this, which you know means a lot to me. It’s my future so. I am so happy with everything you’ve done for me.”
Sonia Farr, European Trademark Owner